Building a metro in Mumbai- Difficult job for India

Mumbai is the world’s 2nd most densely populated cities in the whole world, where people are traveling very inhumanly as they have no other choice. Mumbai people have to pack in the trains to travel one place to another where everyday 4 to 5 people are dying on those train tracks.

There is a thing if you are on the standing on the front side of the train then people will automatically take you inside the train and also even if your station has not come yet they will put out of the train.

In last 5 years, there are 56% of more vehicle in Mumbai, and the like of people in Mumbai is very difficult these day and it shows the facts that without the new transportation in the form of metro it is more than impossible to provide any kind of comfort to the people who are traveling.

Metro ground 3 is India’s first fully underground metro system in India, the biggest project in India costing more than $3.3 billion with will serve 1.6 million people each day when it will be on working mode.

Land Acquisition

It is the biggest problem contractor faced during this time as we see that they really have to cut open different placed and make the channels In Mumbai. That is much more difficult than you ever imagine in the crowded city like Mumbai and it has to be done without hampering the traffic.

There was an unused area but that area was of the Azad Maidan playground so it was kind of difficult to start working there as they think that construction will restrict the playing zone.

The tunnel passed through many of the building and it happened that it crossed 2 or 3 temple or spiritual places still they accused that people will come here to find peace but if they made metro there then how people will able to find peace.


Mumbai is surrounded by water from three sides so there is very little chance of expansion.

Mumbai is consist of basalt rock which is one the hardest rocks on the planet. There are heavy machines for cutting the rock but still, it is not that easy task.


The worst case scenario is the fear of flood in the monsoon. It is the most dangerous possibility in Mumbai for this project as water might be everywhere in the channels and it becomes another task to take it out.

Each and every person in Mumbai is suffering and traveling in a bad condition for a long time in a day.

If Mumbai really needs to develop or stabilize as the worlds one of the financial and one of the big cities in the world then it has to transform its infrastructure.

Sure Metro will not be able to do these many things but the thing it might be a start of new and comfortable Mumbai.


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